I've recently switched back to Chrome, but I miss the "Reading List" on Safari. Is Pocket going to help me with that? Maybe, not sure yet.

how it is today

I've been saving a lot of content to Pocket. It happened more times than me going to the app to read what's there saved. I guess Safari's option of having the Reading list always visible is great and, probably, makes the user actually go back to the content they saved.

But back to Pocket, I feel there are a few things to be improved. One of them, very simple: move the search bar to the top. This is how it looks right now:


I'd redesign the whole header/navigation bar. But one thing at a time, right? The reason I feel the search bar should be at the top is simple because of good practices and people's familiarity with this sort of feature. It's a standard that works and for a tool that focuses on having as many content as you want, this task should be very intuitive.

When redesigning the position of the search bar, I also made two other suggestions:

  • Filter buttons: The tag and the type of content buttons work as a filter to the saved content. For me, it feels they are in the same hierarchy level, providing different ways of viewing the content, just like the search field does.

  • Favorite/Trash shortcuts: if the user wants to mark a content as a favorite or delete it, they have to be in the content page - clicking on its block on the left and reading it on the right area. But why not giving the option of doing this even before opening the content? for example, I sent a content to Pocket and I think I should give it a special attention to read it later. Or I've just saved something by mistake and want to delete it from the list. Done.

So here it is the new version, having the search button at the top, filter buttons together with the search bar and shortcut to control the content you have:

Thank you for reading. You are very welcome to share with me any thoughts you have. That's it for today.