bad work from 2014 / 2016
I could not hack time.
2-3min read
back then:

In 2012, I interrupted an ascending career in Brazil to experiment and, specially, live & learn a new culture and new methods of working at Hyper Island in Stockholm, Sweden. Definitely, the most intense experience I had in my entire life. A life-changing journey that was supposed to open the doors of the world and make life moves forward as I wanted. But for a very stupid reason, it got me stuck in thoughts and action for a long time.

You see, visa processes are tough. But it gets tougher when you can’t see a different option from the one you saw in the first place. After my program was finished, I had a contract proposal with an agency in Berlin, Germany. But even that contract wasn’t enough for me to get the work visa. So I had to stay in Brazil. Different Skype interviews with different companies in different countries later, same result: “what about visa?”. You know the answer.

In an era which seems that we can hack everything, from tech systems, to life aspects and also business models, there is one topic with no solution yet: hacking time.



If it wasn’t the world, then it was nothing. This thought blinded me and made me deny myself the opportunity to create change in the country I was born in. Something I’ve always wanted to do for a country that so desperately needs it so.

Free yourself from excuses & start doing something now.

this was a bad work from 2014 / 2016

reflect & learn

Today, 28th of November of 2016, a long 2-year-wait have come to an end: I’ve just became an Italian (EU) citizen, which can put the visa issue aside. By the time you’re reading it, I’ll probably be around the world looking for a new journey. But no matter where I’m able to go, first thing I’ll always do is an intense dive into the local culture to get to know positive and negative sides people (locals) have from it. I’ll try to understand the society and do something for it, as a side-project or as a full-time job. This waiting, these last 2 years of wanting the world will pay off.

“Times marches forward, never backwards. Never stands still”. Have you ever thought enough about it? It’s what I’ve doing for a long time.

do you have a failure story to share?
i'd love to hear about.