bad work from 2012
of what?
2-3min read
back then:

As a country passionate about football, Brazil had been waiting for a long time to host the biggest event of all: the world cup. As the company I was working for was the sponsor of the Brazilian national team and also locally for the event, we started planning everything 2 years before it happened. A massive commitment from the team to make not only a good piece of advertising (an extensive list of efforts), but also to celebrate and mark the moment we’re so waiting for.

But there is life beyond that. Our lives. Our customers lives (and their relationship with the bank). The country’s life. And all these contexts combined made me realize that the world cup meant nothing to me. I do believe that everything was supposed to be done, it’s how it works, no doubt. But that specific period of time punched me in the face and triggered in me a series of internal questions which resulted in a very simple and paradoxically complex conclusion: we had bigger things to deal with.

In the end of the day, there is no piece of advertising in the world that will matter more than a (obsessively) focused customer service.



To fight hard so we could give the necessary focus on what, IMHO, actually mattered to the people: their daily banking interaction.

Identify your real purpose and make it happen.

this was a bad work from 2012

reflect & learn

That moment was a turning point in my professional career. A month later, I was heading to Stockholm for a week to get to know Hyper Island’s structure - I knew them only by distance. Two weeks later, I got accepted in the school and ended up moving to Sweden to start the Interactive Art Director program by the end of the European summer. In the end, I wanted to go to a different direction the company I was working for was going at the time.

That whole period made me think of what I really wanted as a professional: to be involved with projects which directly propose a real solution to a real problem people have. To identify opportunities and transform them into useful experiences with measurable (and powerful) impact.

- If you want to know what happened next, please read 'I couldn’t hack time.'

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i'd love to hear about.